Freedom News
Anarchist Bookfairs in 2018

Anarchist Bookfairs in 2018

March 6th: We’re a little late coming out with our list of the year’s anarchist bookfairs, having missed what was by all accounts a very successful showing in Derry on January 27th with a bigger turnout than in 2017 with a huge variety of publications on show.
Anarchist Communist Group launches first public event

Anarchist Communist Group launches first public event

March 3rd: Following its founding last month new anarchist organisation the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) has announced its first major public meeting will be taking place later this month.

Solidarity with prisoners on New Year’s Eve

Solidarity with prisoners on New Year’s Eve

December 31st: Tonight anarchists will gather on both sides of the Atlantic to show solidarity with prisoners at an often difficult time of year as they spend their time behind bars rather than with family or friends for the holidays.

Freedom Press cartoons on exhibition in Bradford

October 16th: The Peace Museum in Bradford is currently hosting an exhibition ‘Cartoons For Peace’ including at least two Freedom Press books.

Manchester anarchists announce December bookfair

Manchester anarchists announce December bookfair

October 13th: One last anarchist bookfair has been announced for 2017 with the Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday December 2nd.

Bristol: Radicals in print and film

Bristol: Radicals in print and film

September 15th: An entire weekend of radical politics is taking place in Bristol this weekend — and with a film festival to follow in October the south-western city is setting a high bar for radical culture this year.

Conference aims to bring together fracking resistance nationwide

Conference aims to bring together fracking resistance nationwide

September 12th: Following a long summer of anti-fracking protests which, as this is being written, are continuing to kick off in new places across Britain today, Reclaim The Power has announced a major conference for later this month to spread the lessons learned from its Rolling Resistance campaign and look at what comes next.

Posters go up as DSEi arms fair nears

Posters go up as DSEi arms fair nears

August 24th: As the September 4th start date of DSEI, the world’s biggest arms fair, edges closer, early actions to draw attention to protests against the annual gathering of the merchants of death have begun to filter in.

Campaign to fight toxic prisons to tour Britain next month

Campaign to fight toxic prisons to tour Britain next month

August 18th: In a timely move as the prison system faces major market-oriented reform, members of the US-based Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons will be going on tour around the country in late September and early October to talk about their experiences of — and successes against — the social and ecological impact of the United States prison-industrial

Earth First! Summer Gathering starts this week

Earth First! Summer Gathering starts this week

August 7th: Environmental direct action movement Earth First!