Freedom News
The colonial breach and the colonial bind

The colonial breach and the colonial bind

June 6th: The ruse of international law has no means of ending the killing—Western states are supporting Israel to reassert their colonial agency From Interregnum Whatever the contentions on the term we use to express the scale and method of killing we are witnessing in Gaza, the description at the International Court of Justice as a ‘live-streamed
1,800 days on either side

1,800 days on either side

June 3rd: As we barrel out way towards a general election, Freedom maintains its longstanding position: vote if you like, it's what we do between elections that mattters

Deceleration: Notes on anarchism and degrowth

Deceleration: Notes on anarchism and degrowth

May 27th: Capital is tearing at its seams and new insurrectional and revolutionary waves are emerging; it is now that anarchism can find a powerful ally in certain sectors of degrowth

Where are the crip Utopias?

Where are the crip Utopias?

May 20th: Crips are excluded on the sole basis that they cannot conform to the ableist ideal of an activist

Notes from the US: A matter of life and death

Notes from the US: A matter of life and death

May 18th: From the assault on Gaza genocide protests to racist and ecocidal policies - elites have proven they will never affirm life and peace against death and destruction

Disability cuts: Work isn’t the pull Sunak thinks it is

Disability cuts: Work isn’t the pull Sunak thinks it is

May 10th: The recent welfare reform plans announced by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have landed badly, and rightly so.

Iraq: Hard truths about truth-telling

Iraq: Hard truths about truth-telling

May 9th: "Accidental anarchist" Carne Ross reflects on blowing the whistle on the Iraq War, 20 years on.

Ahead of another summer of climate disasters, let’s talk about real solutions

Ahead of another summer of climate disasters, let’s talk about real solutions

May 8th: In cooperation with CrimethInc., we present a short text from Peter Gelderloos exploring why the strategies that mainstream environmental movements are currently employing to halt industrially-produced climate change are failing—and what we could be doing instead.

Weaponised “anti-semitism”, real anti-semitism, and the struggle for Palestinian rights

Weaponised “anti-semitism”, real anti-semitism, and the struggle for Palestinian rights

May 2nd: How should we respond to the charges against the campus movement opposing apartheid and genocide?

Anarchist on a talk show

Anarchist on a talk show

April 18th: Peter Seyferth reports on his experience combating "horseshoe theory" on the German talk show 13 Fragen (“13 questions”).