Freedom News

Alienation and affinity: Jacob Graham is not an “isolated” case

February 28th: Alienating those we are also imploring to be better, to be involved with the existing structures, is a contradiction in itself.

Police, politics, and protests: Italy’s underworld 

February 25th: Sheer violence breaking out from the police towards protesters again.

Russian anarchists on Navalny’s death

February 21st: So, no matter how much we, as anarchists, rightly criticise Navalny, for us, his death is the murder by the state of a political opponent of the regime.

As Gaza is dying, we are dancing on mass graves

February 17th: How perverse is it to be having a good time in an event that aims to challenge an unfolding genocide?

The working class strikes – and wins!

February 9th: These Bridgeman wankers had only gone and pilfered the image and were charging for its usage.

The ICJ is a lie!

January 28th: In reality, in the cold light of the freezing Gaza winter day, it really is up to us.

Beyond and against homogenisation: Advancing diversity through Democratic Confederalism

January 22nd: It is not homogeneity that brings people together but understanding and empowerment.

Solidarity across borders with the Budapest antifascists!

January 14th: While the European Union is considering putting antifascist groups on the list of those designated as terrorists, two comrades have been in prison in Hungary since February 2023.

Argentina’s new President: ‘Crisis and confrontation’

January 1st: It is difficult to imagine that he can carry out his 'anarcho-capitalist' postulates of eliminating the State since the State and capital are complementary and necessary elements in the capitalist system.

Stamped on a human facial recognition database, forever  

December 28th: Rob Ray writes on proposals to roll out facial recognition cameras across Britain, alongside the bringing of passport photos into police databases.