The latest attempt by the far right to harass a drag Queen Story Hour event in London fell flat on its face today in Honor Oak following their previous annihilation at Tate Britain a couple of weeks ago.
The obsessive weirdos of Turning Point Uk called a protest which attracted around 20 racists & reactionaries including some of their tiny membership and a handful of local z-list DFLA types who’d clearly seen better days. They didn’t manage to get anywhere near the pub hosting the event as a large police presence kept their ‘protest’ 200 yards down the road for their own protection. Their attempts at speeches where completely drowned out by jeering and booing from hundreds of anti fascists, LGBTQ+ people and local trade unionists. The exception was hate preacher & GB News pundit Calvin Robinson who was rendered inaudible by the deafening and thoroughly accurate chant of “You’re not a real vicar!”

The cops made a provocative & unnecessary push into the calm counter protest at one point resulting in one arrest but otherwise the event was a peaceful and resounding victory. The bigots were totally outnumbered and their live streaming social media wannabes were harassed & removed from the area. Our new generation of fascists should probably learn some basic history about places like Lewisham if they don’t want to be humiliated like this.

Images: Guy Smallman