This is an urgent callout for solidarity sent to Freedom News by our contacts in Jerusalem/Al-Quds Antifa.
East Jerusalem is under attack. The IDF and Israeli police are advancing to North in Isawyieh, to Silwan at the center and to Wadi Hummus in the south of East Jerusalem.
Wadi Hummus is the most urgent of all: 11 buildings, housing 17 families are at an immediate risk of demolition. The reason? The buildings were built legally with the approval of the Palestinian Authority, which according to the Oslo Accords is entitled to provide housing permits for the area. Wadi Hummus was annexed by the wall of Jerusalem, but the area remains a part of the Palestinian Authority. However, the Israeli civil administration claims that the buildings are built too close to the so called security fence. In reality, this fence is poorly maintained, and easily breached, and if security was at the minds of the commanders, surely accepting the proposal of the residence to pay for a bigger more effective wall themselves would have been granted. Still, Israel doesn’t want to stop workers and pilgrims or even people with violent intentions from reaching Jerusalem, what they do want is to keep the statistics where there is a majority of Jewish population in Jerusalem and a growing number of Jews in East Jerusalem, changing the demography of an internationally recognized occupied territory: a crime by international law.
Today many soldiers and engineers stormed Wadi Hummus, in order to measure the buildings for their destruction. 17 young families are at risk of living in the streets, in debt.
We need to share this story and put every pressure we can in order to stop this crime. It has nothing to do with security, it is a slow ethnic cleansing and destruction of families.
Al-Quds/Jerusalem Antifa
UPDATE 19/07/2019: The last appeal to the court was rejected completely today. Today is the last day the 17 families can demolish the houses themselves. Starting Sunday there is nothing but international pressure that could stop the destruction of those 17 families and the danger to hundred of houses built 250 meters to the fence.