Ahead of the General Election on June 8th Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) has compiled a gallery of victims of the hated disability benefits assessment scheme, which has caused enormous suffering to disabled people across Britain since it was introduced in 2005 under the last Blair government.
Continued and extended by the Tories, most notably under Iain Duncan Smith, the assessments have proven so toxic that Scotland has now banned private firms from carrying them out north of the border.
DPAC, which was formed in 2010 in response to deepening austerity cuts in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash, has developed a reputation for militant direct actions over the last few years and has hit out at the Tories for sanctions which hit 81,000 disabled people in 2015 alone.
In the group’s latest initiative, it is filming interviews with disabled people who have face problems related to social care or benefits cuts. Email mail@dpac.uk.net if you’re interested in telling your story.