Freedom News
Lambert’s resignations are welcome news, but this is not the end

Lambert’s resignations are welcome news, but this is not the end

Former police spy and Special Demonstration Squad officer Bob Lambert has recently resigned from his positions at University of St Andrews and London Metropolitan University.

Lambert lectured in counter-terrorism at the universities and was formerly employed to gather intelligence and provoke activities within the animal rights and environmentalist movements during the 1980s. In addition, he was involved in the spying on the family of Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in a racist attack in 1993.

In his role as a police spy, Lambert had at least four sexual relationships with women who were unaware of his true identity. He went so far as to have a child with one female activist, who he then abandoned when his placement in the field had come to an end. His activities were abusive and provocative – often pushing others towards militancy, including his involvement in the Debenhams bombing by the Animal Liberation Front.

Lambert’s resignations are welcome news, but this is not the end: Lambert does not end with his jobs as undercover policing does not end with Lambert. This is a victory against state surveillance and harassment but we cannot stop here. Islington against Police Spies points out:

While his resignation might spell the end of his academic career in London Met and St Andrews, it does not spell the end of our interest in Bob Lambert. Many questions remain about his work over 30 years in Special Branch. Some of it may be forced into the light by the Inquiry; but Lambert’s work in the dark underbelly of repressive policing may never be fully revealed. Islington against Police Spies will continue to play a part in uncovering this master manipulator’s torrid history.

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