Freedom News
New court support group, Activist Court Aid Brigade, forms after closure of LDMG

New court support group, Activist Court Aid Brigade, forms after closure of LDMG

September 10th: LDMG is dead, long live ACAB!
Interview: IWOC and GG/GO on incarceration and class struggle

Interview: IWOC and GG/GO on incarceration and class struggle

August 7th: On the occasion of the congress of the CIT / IWC in Parma, we had the opportunity to interview two comrades, one from the US and one from Germany, regarding the prisoners’ struggles.

After G20, the repression: Tips and solidarity for the chased

After G20, the repression: Tips and solidarity for the chased

July 16th: Linksunten Indymedia issued a summary piece yesterday in support of people facing the upcoming crackdown against participants in the G20 protests in Hamburg earlier this month.

Pre-charge bail: Reforms you need to know about

Pre-charge bail: Reforms you need to know about

May 21st: Anarchists are fabled for getting into direct action-related scrapes with the law, and although the reputation is often undeserved anarchist groups such as Green and Black Cross do keep a close eye on legal matters.

Guatemala: Q’anjob’al community win their fight against hated hydro-dam project

Guatemala: Q’anjob’al community win their fight against hated hydro-dam project

January 1st: After eight years of struggle, communities in Huehuetenango, Guatemala are celebrating a decision by Spanish company Ecoener-Hidralia to start shutting down its Hidro Santa-Cruz damming operations on the Q’am B’alam river near Santa Cruz Barillas.

Editor of Turkish anarchist paper jailed for “terror propaganda”

Editor of Turkish anarchist paper jailed for “terror propaganda”

December 24th: The editor of Meydan Gazette in Istanbul was jailed for a year and three months on December 22nd for “propagandising the methods of a terror organisation” in a free-speech case which dragged on for nearly a year.

freedom mark

Arrests and tear gas as South African students protest for fee-free education

October 26th: Organisers with the South African Fees Must Fall student movement are reporting police brutality and dozens of arrests at today’s March to Parliament for Free Decolonized Education – part of a nationwide series of protests under the Fees Must Fall banner calling for the decolonising of education, an end to outsourcing and the scrapping of historic debts.

Dover sentencing and anti-fascist organising

Dover sentencing and anti-fascist organising

July 24th: The Dover demonstration in January was the most violent anti-fascist action in Britain for many years.

No Reforming Earth Destruction

No Reforming Earth Destruction

July 21st: “The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.”

Women in charge is not feminism: the fight against institutional patriarchy

Women in charge is not feminism: the fight against institutional patriarchy

July 16th: On a surface level, it seems as though feminism is winning the gender war.