Freedom News
Legal: The police have asked me to attend a voluntary interview. Should I go?

Legal: The police have asked me to attend a voluntary interview. Should I go?

June 11th: Word has reached us here at ACAB‘s top secret HQ that the Met are cordially inviting some of the folks they arrested during XR’s big London action to come in for a chat.
Legal: No, the police didn’t fine a man for hiding his face from a facial recognition camera

Legal: No, the police didn’t fine a man for hiding his face from a facial recognition camera

May 25th: You’ve probably seen the headline: “Police fine man for hiding his face from facial recognition camera”.

International Women’s Day 2019: Thousands Of Women Go On Strike

International Women’s Day 2019: Thousands Of Women Go On Strike

March 7th: Tomorrow, for the third year running, the International Women’s Day will be marked by strikes and street actions around the world.

Protest as arms firm EDO prepares first expansion in 15 years

Protest as arms firm EDO prepares first expansion in 15 years

February 19th: The EDO MBM factory in Brighton has produced weapons parts for countries including Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey and the US, enabling human rights abuses in violation of international law.

freedom mark

Why are today’s Profiteers so insistent on the making of a profit?

October 20th: Profitism: ‘The need to feel eternal in sensation is essential to our existence.

Barred from Banksy’s Art World

Barred from Banksy’s Art World

October 10th: How we all guffawed at Banksy’s jolly japes at Sotheby’s last week.

Notes from the US

Notes from the US

September 22nd: Freedom US correspondent Louis Further reports on the lesser- known happenings in the United States.

When abusers hijack the language of feminism

When abusers hijack the language of feminism

September 16th: This text was submitted by Forth Wave: London Feminist Activists.

Class War at the Rees-Mogg Residence – Media and MPs in Hyperbolic Rage

Class War at the Rees-Mogg Residence – Media and MPs in Hyperbolic Rage

September 13th: One of the things I’ve put a lot of time to thinking about is how Class War can get media coverage and then control it.

New court support group, Activist Court Aid Brigade, forms after closure of LDMG

New court support group, Activist Court Aid Brigade, forms after closure of LDMG

September 10th: LDMG is dead, long live ACAB!