Freedom News

The End of Dogma: #KeepCorbyn as a transitional demand.

June 30th: The current crisis in the British establishment is an unprecedented one.

In or Out the ruling class will win and Fortress Europe will remain. Unless we dismantle it.

May 25th: People in Britain will be given a mockery of choice in the upcoming European elections.

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

December 10th: In Cameron’s adventurous second term, the privatisation of culture has continued on a dramatic scale.

Approaches to industrial democracy

August 7th: GEOFFREY OSTERGAARD, born at Staploe, Beds.

Anarchy and the Academy

August 5th: Anarchism and academia have always been curious bedfellows.

A Critique of Borders

July 23rd: This essay argues that an anarchist society ought to be one without borders, as they are incompatible with the goals, values and vision of an ideal world.