Freedom News

The End of Social Housing: The Housing and Planning Bill

December 27th: On January 5th, Architects for Social Housing (ASH) and many others will demonstrate against the Housing and Planning Bill, which will pave the way for further mass demolition of social housing.

Lambert’s resignations are welcome news, but this is not the end

December 26th: Former police spy and Special Demonstration Squad officer Bob Lambert has recently resigned from his positions at University of St Andrews and London Metropolitan University.

London New Years Eve Prisoner Solidarity Demos

December 22nd: As is usually the case there are two prisoner solidarity demonstrations taking place in London this New Years Eve.

When they say gangs, they mean the poor: Armed patrols to begin in London

December 13th: At nine o’clock in the morning on December 11th, police shot a man dead on Bracknell Close in Wood Green.

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

December 10th: In Cameron’s adventurous second term, the privatisation of culture has continued on a dramatic scale.

This Black December

December 6th: Banners are dropped across the first and fourth wings of the Korydallos Prison in Greece.

GBC Celebrates Fifth Birthday Party

December 3rd: Green and Black Cross are having their 5th birthday party this Friday at DIY Space for London.

Silhan Ozcelik’s imprisonment is another vicious example of today’s counter-insurgency

November 22nd: Silhan Ozcelik, an eighteen-year-old Kurdish woman from London, was sentenced to 21 months at the Old Bailey two days ago.

Hackney Safer Neighbourhood MPS station attacked during Million Mask March

November 7th: Editors note: Whilst the Million Mask March was shutting down Central London (as well as being kettled and arrested), it appears an autonomous group of anarchists took matters into their own hands and protested the recent actions of the police in a direct way.

Yesterday NFA Anti-Fascists confronted racist band Zona A at their gig at The Dome in Tufnell Park.

October 6th: Congratulations to No Fixed Abode Antifascists for a successful first action.