Freedom News

Revealed: Killdren are sell-outs

June 4th: Sitting at our Angel Alley headquarters, we were quite astonished to see the media shitstorm unraveling around Killdren, a popular London band self-describing their music as a ‘two-bit rave-punk’, and also good comrades of ours.

Brighton: a business threatens to blacklist SolFed member

May 24th: The Brighton Solidarity Federation is currently in dispute with CJ Barbers, a barber shop which owes one of SolFed’s members two months in unpaid wages.

Royal College of Nursing to support decriminalisation of prostitution

May 21st: The Royal College of Nursing (RNC) has voted yesterday in favour of the motion that “this meeting of Congress calls upon the RCN Council to lobby governments across the UK to decriminalise prostitution.”

Anarchist Festival 2019

May 12th: Following the success of last year’s weekend of decentralised anarchist happenings, the Anarchist Festival is back this year, this time aiming to host events scheduled across the country.

London: TERFs crash Mayday march

May 1st: Today in London, a group of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) attempted to join the Mayday march with a transphobic banner.

Ewan Brown – Rest In Power

May 1st: Rest In Power Ewan Brown, who went missing yesterday and started our Mayday was sad news.

BREAKING: Kurdish activists and friends occupy Amnesty International London HQ

April 24th: The London headquarters of Amnesty International have been occupied by  Kurdish activists and friends to shed light on the Kurdish Hunger Strikes.

Last surviving British member of International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War dies

April 23rd: Geoffrey Servante, almost certainly the last surviving British member of the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War passed away last Sunday at the age of 99.

Green Anti-Capitalist Front post-action report

April 18th: On Monday, the Green Anti-Capitalist Front took part in the environmentalist actions which begun in London.  Here is their report from the day.

Spanish CNT-AIT and UK Solfed in labour disputes

April 17th: The Spanish CNT-AIT and UK’s Solidarity Federation reported on new labor disputes they take part in.