Freedom News

DIY Space closes its doors

June 13th: The much-loved South London activist centre and venue has announced it won’t be reopening, having initially shut for the Covid lockdown.

Police exploit anti-racist BLM rally to arrest green activists

June 12th: Three people, including green activists, were arrested by a City of London snatch squad at today’s Black Lives Matter march.

What happened at the Black Lives Matter protest in London, June 1st 2020

June 3rd: I was part of a group of people who attended the assembly at Windrush Square, Brixton yesterday.  It initially started with around 200 people who gathered together for the Black Lives Matter protest.

Summer, green resistance and the Covid situation

May 31st: Earth First UK updates on coronavirus's impact on the fight against capitalist climate devastation, the EF Summer Gathering and plans for its upcoming journal.

Financial support for the protests in Minneapolis

May 28th: As many readers will be aware, today marks the third day of protest in the US city of Minneapolis following the brutal murder of George Floyd by white police officer.

COVID-19 couriers vote to strike following victimisation by NHS contractor TDL

May 28th: Medical couriers transporting Covid-19 samples on behalf of NHS pathology contractor The Doctors Laboratory (TDL)  have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action, in response to the company’s decision to make redundancies during the pandemic, and its failure to address health and safety concerns.

On Crimean Tatar remembrance day, Russia is using Covid-19 as a weapon

May 18th: Banned from wearing the most basic PPE in public, detained on false counter-extremism charges, threatened with evictions, and prevented from accessing healthcare: the latest tactics by Russian occupying forces to repress and threaten Crimean Tatars.

Protesters gather at Secretary of State for Justice home demanding prisons are emptied in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic

May 14th: On Monday morning, a protest took place on the doorstep of the home of the Secretary of State for Justice, Robert Buckland in Wroughton, Borough of Swindon.

IWGB and Uber drivers file legal challenge against UK government

May 8th: The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) and two Uber drivers have filed a legal challenge with the High Court against the UK government over its failure to provide satisfactory income and sickness protection to millions of low-paid and self-employed workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Evictions make us sick!: squatters take action on Mayday

May 2nd: Squat solidarity!