Freedom News

Operation London Bridge

September 11th: Whilst we rightly spend these days remembering how many people were brutally murdered under her sovereign command, spare a thought for those mourning the fact that they’ll never get to see Elizabeth’s head on top of a spike.

Accountability demanded after police killing of Chris Kaba

September 10th: Today there was a solemn, angry march for justice for Chris Kaba.

Unrest grows after the shooting of Chris Kaba by the police

September 10th: The killing of Chris Kaba by the police on the 5th September in Streatham Hill has incited demonstrations outside Brixton police station.

Unionised leisure centre cleaners win inflation-busting 16% pay rise

September 9th: Cleaners and UVW members at Latchmere Leisure Centre in Battersea yesterday received confirmation that from 1 October their wages will increase by 16%.

UK’s oldest living fossil finally karks it

September 8th: Despite the encouragement of butter punks and the heartfelt wishes of all anarchists, God in his wisdom has failed to save the Queen.

Care givers and care receivers  – all diminished by government lack of funding

September 8th: Class War’s Ian Bone on his experience of Tory Britain’s social care provision: I’ve just spent 10 days in respite care so my partner Jane can get a break to go on holiday with her daughter and grandson.

Palestine Action’s “Elbit Eight” prepare for landmark court case against Israeli arms company

September 6th: On October 10th, eight Palestine Action activists (including co-founders Huda Ammori and Richard Barnard) dubbed the ‘#ElbitEight’ will be facing trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court.

IWGB takes Deliveroo to Supreme Court over bargaining rights

September 5th: The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is challenging Deliveroo’s denial of collective bargaining rights in the Supreme Court, months after the gig-economy giant signed a so-called ‘partnership’ deal with the GMB union.

Lawyers launch High Court challenge to anti-trespass law

September 3rd: Below, Freedom reproduces the lawyers’ statement on the High Court challenge from Travellers Times.

Legal challenge against energy cap

September 2nd: Below Freedom reproduce a statement from Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC).