Freedom News

“I was met by the FSB, a bag on my head, a taser, the usual”

June 13th: Alexey Rozhkov is an anarchist, he became the third in Russia to set fire to the military enlistment office

Sheffield Pride Parade bans police

June 9th: The march will be Sheffield’s only Pride event this year and has been organised by activists who say they want to, “bring the protest back to Pride.”

Amsterdam: Takland Squatters occupy adjacent building

June 7th: Statement from Takland squatters in Amsterdam, from Today we expanded Takland.

City University of New York is complicit in attacks against their student

June 6th: In recent days, attacks against Fatima have flooded in from both sides of the U.S.

Afghanistan Report — An urgent need to expand safe pathways

June 5th: The Internation Rescue Committee (IRC) have released a report — ‘Two years on: Afghans still lack pathways to safety in the EU’ — highlighting the failings in the support and protection of Afghan refugees since 2021.

DWP renews CAPITA contract despite deaths

June 3rd: The government has awarded to Capita, on the same day that the company was linked to the death of a young disabled mum.

Brook House blockaders fight punitive public nuisance charge

May 31st: They were preventing people being forcibly removed on a flight to Jamaica.

Reflections on the Turkish election

May 30th: "Erdoğan will never allow a loss, they will always steal the votes they need."

Protest against the Bibby Stockholm, on land and water


Protest flotilla advances on London

May 27th: A flotilla of boaters will head towards London in protest at the continued exclusion of itinerant boat dwellers