Freedom News

Interview: IWOC and GG/GO on incarceration and class struggle

August 7th: On the occasion of the congress of the CIT / IWC in Parma, we had the opportunity to interview two comrades, one from the US and one from Germany, regarding the prisoners’ struggles.

Moving with the times … but not in step

August 2nd: Colin Ward critiques an interview from New Left Review of Alan Lovell, a regular Peace News writer in the 1960s and a member of the Committee of 100, by Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel, looking at how anarchism was perceived within the group.

Interview: Bristol Class War in the 1980s

July 30th: In this chat with a former Class War member, the Kate Sharpley Library discusses deindustrialisation, upheavals in the 1980s and thumbing the nose against Thatcher’s new normal.

Interview: Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair

July 20th: This Saturday, the first ever Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair is taking place at the Augustine United Church.

Antiuniversity Now: The non-institute for wider learning

June 9th: Today sees the start of the fourth – and final – year of the free education event as it commemorates 50 years since its namesake mounted a famous challenge to academic hierarchies.

Interview with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the CNT

May 17th: On the occasion of the Founding Congress of the New International, a member of anarcho-syndicalist union CNT interviewed its foreign secretary Miguel Pérez, on the ins and outs of the event. As a note, Freedom does not have a position re: the split with the IWA which produced the new international, and readers are encouraged to

The Sparrows’ Nest archive

April 21st: Based in Nottingham, the Sparrows’ Nest is a key archiving project for the literature of the British anarchist movement.

Scott Crow — Histories and Reflections on Community Armed Self-Defense

April 5th: As street confrontations continue to escalate between self-appointed guardians of American Fascism and various anti-fascist factions, PM Press released author scott crow’s collection Setting Sights: Histories and Reflections on Community Armed Self-Defense.

Interview: What Do the People in Iran Want and Why Do They Protest?

January 5th: Karwan Hewram, editor for ANF-Farsi service, talks about the reasons for the uprising against poverty, unemployment, high cost of living and the repressive policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

It’s International Pizza Punk Day’s 20th anniversary!

December 26th: One Freedom writer looks into the origins of the long-running DIY vegan alternative to Boxing Day — and we talk to one of the people who came up with it.