Freedom News
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Germany: neo-nazis attack social centre in Salzwedel, injure several people

June 8th: On the night of 5th June, the Autonomous Center (AZ) Kim Hubert in a small town of Salzwedel in Saxony-Anhalt has been attacked.

Now it’s New Zealand’s turn for a referendum on abortion

June 5th: After years of facing criticism over their abortion laws, and years of women being forced to travel to another country to receive medical care, the Irish Government gave into pressure from the Irish people and allowed them a chance to express their opinion, and they overwhelmingly voted to repeal their existing laws and, in the

Calais border update

June 1st: Chiara Lauvergnac reports on the recent events on the Calais border.

European police forces conduct raids across four countries in relation to G20 in Hamburg

May 30th: Coordinated police raids in Italy, Spain, Switzerland and France took place early on Tuesday as part of the German police investigation into riots at the G20 summit in Hamburg last July.

Germany: brutal treatment of arrested antifascists

May 30th: According to a statement issued yesterday by the Rote Hilfe OG Leipzig, a worrying incident occurred last month in Germany.

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Spain: A Insumisa social centre evicted

May 26th: Last Wednesday, the municipal police have evicted the A Insumisa social centre in Galician city A Coruña.

The unique solidarity of Velika Kladuša in Bosnia

May 25th: Locals together with international volunteers are warmly welcoming people at the Bosnian-Croatian border and are trying their best to support them and show solidarity.

Russia: protest against prison torture

May 23rd: St Petersburg: about 400 people took part in the rally against torture of prisoners in Russia: an impressive turn out for a country where brutal political repression is a norm.

Notes from the US: Jailing migrant children

May 16th: Louis Further’s latest roundup of goings-on in the USA.

Israel: Antifa opposes nationalist ‘Jerusalem Flag Parade’

May 14th: Jerusalem Antifa took action against the Jerusalem Flag Parade nationalist march held annually on 13th of May.