Freedom News

DIY in Doncaster

June 23rd: A Commune in the North (ACitN — pronounced “a kitten”) is building upon the work of the anarchist-led Bentley Urban Farm to crate new ways to meet essential needs, for both the commune and the wider local community, in order to show that capitalism isn’t the only game in town.

Racism forced me to leave teaching

June 21st: What use is an anti-racist curriculum delivered by a racist teacher?

Radical Reprint: The Ludlow Strike

June 16th: In June 1914 much of that month’s edition of Freedom was given over to a lengthy analysis in the aftermath of the Ludlow Massacre, one of the most infamous strikebreaking incidents in United States history.

Remembering Wat Tyler: Stakes are head high

June 15th: Standing up against rape, murder and repression remains at the heart of our acts of resistance

Interview: Radon and the new wave of anarchist sci-fi

June 9th: Anarchist transhuman sci-fi collective Radon have published multiple digital journals over the last few years exploring themes including dystopia, rebellion and social conflict.

Southeast Asian anarchism: Notes from a denizen

June 4th: In the past thirty years, anarchism as well as implicitly anarchist practices have grown quite expansively in our region of the world

A too-common problem of class and migration

June 2nd: Here’s a story of someone whose life doesn’t matter.

Whose lives matter (we who are darker than blue)

May 26th: Palestine is burning.

Radical Reprint: The Voice of Labour

May 19th: With militarism and the expectation of a war in Europe on the rise, Freedom‘s approach wasn’t getting as much of a bump in readership as hoped, according to reports from the anarchists’ annual gathering in Newcastle in May 1914.

Cambridge for Palestine – demanding divestment

May 17th: "This is a protest against the University’s complicity in the massacre in Gaza, and we affirm that everyday".