Freedom News

A locked-down walk

October 9th: During the break from lockdown in Summer 2020 a friend and I went to Southend to take a break from the city.

London squatting opportunity of the week: no business, as usual

October 7th: Kicking off a new series to commemorate 10 years since the criminalisation of squatting in residential buildings, George F spitefully presents housing opportunities for those who would wish to take them.

The Trustterfuck begins

October 3rd: Having started this column in 2016, I’m now onto writing about the fourth Tory prime minister in a row, each one spectacularly less competent than their predecessor.

It’s the trend of the world

September 26th: “Hiya, it’s been a while.

Care givers and care receivers  – all diminished by government lack of funding

September 8th: Class War’s Ian Bone on his experience of Tory Britain’s social care provision: I’ve just spent 10 days in respite care so my partner Jane can get a break to go on holiday with her daughter and grandson.

Let Anarchy Soar Perfect Okupas: 10 years of LASPO

September 1st: Let anarchy soar Perfect okupas Love all scum, piss off Landowning arseholes: Sitex property opened!

To the legal limits

August 15th: With the end of lockdown and, to all intents and purposes, the end of the Labour Party left, we appear to find ourselves in something of a political grey zone in the Summer of 2022.

Nuclear weapons are intolerable

August 10th: Listen to this article: When Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, there seemed to have been a renewed –if only brief– discussion of nuclear weapons.

Bosses are circling the wagons against Don’t Pay UK

August 8th: One of the most notable things about Don’t Pay UK and its plan of getting a million people to cancel their direct debits on October 1st, as a way of pressuring for energy price reductions, has been how rapidly the State, companies and now charities have rallied round in panic against it.

Earth First! open letter: To our friends from XR

August 4th: Below, Freedom reproduces an open letter to XR from Earth First!.