Freedom News

Solidarity of the rich

January 3rd: Jon Bigger considers the actions of those who preach individual strength, but practice a very particular, and extraordinarily successful, form of mutual support.

The thing about Downing Street parties …

December 13th: Hey look, there’s a story that Boris and the Cabinet are corrupt!

Insulate Britain: Prisoners raising public awareness of immediate action required to combat climate crisis

December 11th: So far, the hunger strikers of Insulate Britain (IB) have been swept under carpetby the UK press; in fact, getting more favourable coverage in Europe.

We need to stop Boris Johnson before it is too late

December 2nd: Boris Johnson is the most dangerous prime minister I’ve suffered.

How Andy Ngô and sections of the left teamed up to successfully work for the Home Office

November 27th: Security culture Bad security culture can be tedious; often we only keep information from each other, not the cops.

The Hairy Manifesto (Excerpt)

November 24th: The Hairy Manifesto is a new manifesto for the hairy body.

Judges kill or kill judges? Whistleblower Barrett Brown convicted for banner display at Kill The Bill demo

November 24th: Barrett Brown was convicted in the City Of London Magistrates on Friday 5th November of a Section 5 Public Order offence, accused of displaying writing that was intended to cause people distress, namely the police.

Transgender Day Of Remembrance 2021

November 20th: (To Kell & Back: despatches from the front line) “you don’t have to live next to me Just give me my equality” Nina Simone, Mississippi Goddamn It is not the responsibility of trans people to thank you for showing up and being an ally.

COP21: a retrospective on the eco-war

November 4th: e flashback 5 years to a very different yet very familiar scenario that took place in Paris during the declared state of emergency.

Communique from R-AT: Central School of Trespass

November 1st: A broad coalition of squatters, anarchists and activists gathered at the newly occupied School of Trespass in Farringdon, North London, on the weekend of 16th/17th October to protest against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill that is currently passing through the House of Lords