Freedom News
New zine: Chasing Dreams, Fighting Nightmares

New zine: Chasing Dreams, Fighting Nightmares

May 1st: A rather interesting zine ended up in the Freedom editor’s inbox a few days back and its creators, RebelNet, asked us to share it on Mayday if we liked it.
Mr Jones: Famine, Propaganda, and the Remnants of Walter Duranty’s Reputation

Mr Jones: Famine, Propaganda, and the Remnants of Walter Duranty’s Reputation

April 27th: Mr Jones Directed by Agnieszka Holland Running time 2h 21m This is a film about the Holodomor told through the eyes of Gareth Jones, an average man from Wales (portrayed by a man with an above-average jawline).

Bookfair 2020 calls for artist contributions

Bookfair 2020 calls for artist contributions

January 8th: Since the announcement of the return of an anarchist bookfair to London, the Bookfair2020 collective has been busy preparing for the event to be held in October 2020.

Brains Kan: Norfolk’s anarchist rave revolution

Brains Kan: Norfolk’s anarchist rave revolution

January 2nd: “It was the first time we had ever dealt with a riot squad ...

Left musical wave defies the far-right and Brexit

Left musical wave defies the far-right and Brexit

December 30th: Having worked around the music industry for many years, mainly as an organiser of benefit gigs and now running an online platform, I can say that artists are rightly fearful about what may soon occur.

Independence from what? The Canine Anarchist Expropriators

Independence from what? The Canine Anarchist Expropriators

December 26th: Far from the mainstream nationalist debates on independence, our failure to coherently confront power and offer meaningful alternatives, a community of squatters and expropriators live on the coast of Catalonia.

Critical Review: Solanas and Getino – Towards a Third Cinema

Critical Review: Solanas and Getino – Towards a Third Cinema

December 22nd: A libertarian look at the classic 1969 communist, anti-imperialist manifesto of Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino (also shown in their film The Hour of the Furnaces) considering the necessity of using film and culture to promote revolutionary practice while denouncing Western influence over “ex” colonies.

Review: Squatting ain’t dead, it just smells funny

Review: Squatting ain’t dead, it just smells funny

December 4th: Vasudevan’s radical history of squatting looks at self-help housing in a half-dozen European and North American locations across the post-war globe, yet can really only manage to sketch out the historical differences and geographical peculiarities between them.

Interview: Juliusz Lewandowski, queer antifa artist

Interview: Juliusz Lewandowski, queer antifa artist

November 29th: "Right now, we fight in hell."As Poland’s oldest squat faces eviction, George F.

Cinema and ideology: Dystopia at the end of capitalism

Cinema and ideology: Dystopia at the end of capitalism

November 5th: Spanish writers Teresa Cabrera Sánchez and Hugo Cuevas Soria consider the overwhelming negative futurism that characterises modern film.