Freedom News

Enhancing diverse democracy: NE Syria’s new Social Contract

December 23rd: Like Rousseau’s theoretical proposal, the real-world ‘social contract’ based on Öcalan’s ideas is, in many ways, an attempt to reckon with severe external and internal social pressures and halt society’s steady rush toward inequality, stratification, violence, and inhumane repression.

Notes from the US: Falling apart

December 19th: At this point in the history of the U.S.

R.I.P George Floyd: An indictment of police

December 18th: While it is fairly evident that the size and organisation of a centrally managed police force have no bearing on the level of crime, it is just as pertinent for me to discuss the police in the abstract.

Wethersfield camp causing irreparable harm to asylum seekers

December 15th: "I came through Libya, and this place is no different."

For Kurds, Kissinger’s cynical realpolitik capped a century of US betrayal

December 7th: In Kissinger’s ultra-realist perspective, the state and only the state could serve as a legitimate or functional vehicle for foreign policy, with the lives, experiences and suffering of people living in and under those states so much chaff in the wind.

The travails of Patriotic Alternative

December 3rd: Anti-fascist research group Red Flare report on the far-right group's trajectory and split.

Police invade Kurdish Assembly

November 27th: This invasion by the Metropolitan Police comes only two days after UK defence minister Grant Shapps and Turkish counterpart Yaşar Güler held a meeting agreeing to "enhance" defence and security cooperation.

Barcelona: La Ruïna and el Kubo will not die

November 25th: See you on November 30 at 5:30 a.m.

Confronting DSEI needs a long strategy

November 19th: Emily Apple writes on resistance to the bi-annual arms dealing circus and where the movement against it can go next.

Notes from the US: “MAGA Is Ascendant”

November 16th: Reason is missing.