Freedom News
Ivory Coast: Clashes and direct actions against eviction operation

Ivory Coast: Clashes and direct actions against eviction operation

Residents opposed the demolition of their businesses or homes for a bridge construction project

On Sunday July 21, 2024 early in the morning, an “evacuation” operation along the main artery of Adjamé-village (northern district of Abidjan) was blocked by villagers, who intervened facing those responsible for the expulsion operation.

This operation of evictions and demolitions of housing is justified by local institutions by the construction project of the 4th Abidjan bridge, intended to more easily connect the municipalities of Yopougon, Attécoubé, Adjamé and Plateau.

Despite the resistance of residents, houses and small business premises were demolished. Clashes then took place, leaving around ten villagers injured, some of them seriously.

On Thursday, July 25, the “clearance” operation resumed, this time directly supported by the Ivorian anti-riot forces (in addition to thugs armed with clubs and bladed weapons), again provoking clashes, even more violent than four days earlier. Residents opposed to the demolition of their businesses or homes reacted immediately, transforming the streets into a veritable battlefield from the early hours of the morning. “Residents, determined to defend their property, erected barricades and threw projectiles at the agents. The stone throwing quickly degenerated into more violent clashes, endangering the safety of all involved”, reported

Unfortunately, more buildings were demolished, even more than the previous Sunday. Since Monday, Ivorian Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé has created a “brigade to fight against urban disorder, made up of 295 agents from the municipal police and the police of the autonomous district of Abidjan (…) [with] the mission of liberating the rights-of-way of major arteries, public spaces…and the application of the decree prohibiting itinerant commerce, begging and the use of carts”.

The anger of the residents was, however, not without consequences for the State since a bulldozer used to demolish homes was completely set on fire, while other construction equipment was vandalised and their windows broken.

This conflict in Adjamé-village has been going on since at least 2016, and the fight seems far from over.

~ from

Photo: Benin WebTV

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