Freedom News

Solidarity with Philip O’Keeffe after arrest in London

Statement from Solidarity Collectives regarding the detainment of Philip O’Keeffe under Schedule 7:

We are asking you to join us in supporting Philip O’Keeffe, a dedicated activist and militant who has faced countless injustices and ongoing repression by the state, all due to his urgent pursuit of delivering tragic news to the family of fallen comrade Ş.Finbar Cafferkey (Çiya Demhat).

Upon reaching London Heathrow Airport, on the evening of April 22nd, his journey took an abrupt turn. Met with the wall of the London Metropolitan Counter Terror Police, he found himself confronted, detained, and subjected to an illegal process under the Schedule 7 Terrorism Act 2000, confiscating all of his electronics in the process.

It is evident that Philip’s involvement with the International Freedom Battalion/YPG and his activism made him a target, further amplifying the need for our collective support. Philip’s refusal to surrender any information underlines his unwavering commitment to his principles, a testament to the honour and respect he carries for Finbar, fallen comrades, and all those resisting authoritarianism, capitalism, imperialism, and oppression.

Philip’s journey was a testament to the bond between comrades, the dedication to shared principles, and the unwavering commitment to delivering devastating news with compassion and respect. As veterans of the YPG and the liberation of Raqqa, Argeş and Finbar had fought side by side, driven by a profound belief in social justice and the struggle against oppression.

Philip continued to work with the Kurdish Freedom Movement in the defense of Rojava in the campaigns to defend Efrîn in 2018, and Girî Spie, Serêkanîyê, and Tel Tamr in 2019 in addition to working in the communes of Qamişlo, organizing the supply and delivery of medical aid to hospitals across the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), supporting diplomatic efforts in the AANES and across Europe, supporting projects aimed at improving critical infrastructure and education and a number of other projects.

Philip, like all the comrades that had the fortune to spend time with Finbar, shared a deep connection, understanding, and love for Finbar’s unwavering commitment to his ideals.

The goal of his travelling was to spare the family from learning the news through media channels, imperialist state propaganda, unknown state authorities bearing empty messages of condolences or opportunistically and callously seeking intelligence, or worst yet through a depraved, vile social media post, ensuring they received the information from trusted comrades who cherished and valued Finbar’s memory.

We humbly ask you to contribute to the solidarity fundraiser, organized together with Solidarity Collectives, to assist Philip in his legal battle and help him seek justice against the British Government’s deliberate obstruction of his mission.

To contribute and stand with Philip O’Keeffe, please visit:

~ Solidarity Collectives

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