The government has awarded to Capita, on the same day that the company was linked to the death of a young disabled mum.
DWP renews CAPITA contract despite deaths

The government has awarded to Capita, on the same day that the company was linked to the death of a young disabled mum.
The poet and performer is a veteran of the Dutch grassroots movement ~ Christiaan Verwey, Buiten de Orde ~ Last night you were with your band Your Local Pirates in Burgers in Eindhoven.
Voting and demonstrations will not help: we must join forces with our colleagues, neighbours and classmates ~ from Die Platforme ~ It took less than two weeks for the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) to use the terrible knife attack in Aschaffenburg to once again shift their course significantly to the right on the backs of
Following raids on Freedom Press by Special Branch, at the behest of the Home Office, which had been reported in January 1945 (recounted in last month’s column), pressure was kept up with a succession of court cases, reported on at length by the right-wing press ~ Rob Ray ~ That the February 24th edition of
My expectations were high, and I was not disappointed over the weekend ~ Don B ~ The 9th Annual Derry Radical Bookfair took place last weekend (1 February), in a city that has a long history of radical political action.
Carbon capitalism is going nowhere without social transformation—and it won’t happen through the courts ~ Blade Runner ~ In what has been described as “a huge victory” for Greenpeace and Uplift, Scotland’s Court of Session ruled on 30 January that the government’s approval of the Rosebank oil field was unlawful.
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