Freedom News
A change in direction

A change in direction

January 13th: After 35 years of neoliberal economics working class Britain is not doing well.  A recently published report shows that in 2011 nine out of the ten poorest regions in North West EU countries were in Britain (1).
A special end of year slideshow and message from Freedom News

A special end of year slideshow and message from Freedom News

December 30th: It’s been an eventful year, as always.

freedom mark

A Christmas fundraising drive from Corporate Watch

December 18th: Six-figure Christmas bonus?

The uncovering of the Barcelona 4-F case

The uncovering of the Barcelona 4-F case

December 12th: CW: police brutality, racism, suicide   On the 4th of February 2006 a squat party taking place in the centre of Barcelona attracted police attention, who stood outside requesting IDs, in a similar fashion as the Met would stop and search in London.

Visualising the West Bank Wall

Visualising the West Bank Wall

December 6th: The separation barrier (or the Wall) which surrounds much of the West Bank is one of the most unbelievable things I have ever seen, not for good reason.

Eagle Spits Interview

Eagle Spits Interview

December 2nd: Eagle Spits is probably not his birth name but does seem to suit a character who nearly 40 years after his initial involvement in punk is still going strong- still angry, hopeful, humourous, militating for change.

Class War Forces Re-think on Poor Doors

Class War Forces Re-think on Poor Doors

November 25th: Class War has gained some progress on the issue of poor doors at One Commercial Street London by securing a look inside the building and a meeting with the new owner.

Democracy Is Already Direct: A Response To Jon Bigger

Democracy Is Already Direct: A Response To Jon Bigger

November 25th: The debate around democracy continues with this response to a response (original article is here, Jon Bigger’s response is here.) As I was on my way home from vacation I noticed a response article continuing dialogue that I opened with my most recent article, which was a very basic critique of democracy from an anarchist

Police Violence Mars Free Education Demonstration

Police Violence Mars Free Education Demonstration

November 20th: Jon Bigger, resident contributor at Freedom News, brings us his account of yesterday student demonstration in central London.

Democracy: Why It Should Be As Direct As Possible

Democracy: Why It Should Be As Direct As Possible

November 16th: In ‘Democracy: Why It Should Be As Direct As Possible’ Jon Bigger offers up a response to a recent opinion piece on Freedom News, entitled ‘The Second Greatest Lie: An Anarchist Critique of Democracy.’  Freedom recently published an article calling for a debate on whether direct democracy was desirable [it can be found here].