Freedom News
Radical summer gatherings get underway

Radical summer gatherings get underway

July 17th: Kicking off with the Fast Forward Festival, people hoping to get involved with different politics, build up alternative ways of living and fight for the climate with direct action have a full two months of political festivals ahead.
The Social Centre Bulletin: Raise the roof!

The Social Centre Bulletin: Raise the roof!

July 17th: The second instalment of this new column for Freedom News, which aims to support and publicise what’s happening at radical social centres around Britain.

The Social Centre Bulletin

The Social Centre Bulletin

June 19th: This new column for Freedom News aims to support and publicise what’s happening at radical social centres around Britain.

Notes from the US: The mockery of climate crisis

Notes from the US: The mockery of climate crisis

June 18th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Notes from the US

Notes from the US

March 19th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Squatter’s Digest: Grow Heathrow halved, ciao to Asilo

Squatter’s Digest: Grow Heathrow halved, ciao to Asilo

February 28th: I do have a pretty good excuse for being a little late in writing this month’s column, namely being arrested and remanded for a squatting-related offence (of which I am not guilty for the record, as I will be testifying at trial later in the year).

Squatter’s Digest: A hard-hitting start

Squatter’s Digest: A hard-hitting start

January 19th: What a start to 2019 — some of the news that has kicked off the year has been so big it will already be familiar to many readers.

Notes from the US: Tear gas and lies at the border

Notes from the US: Tear gas and lies at the border

January 14th: The Sinclair Broadcast Group is a notorious provider of right-wing propaganda.

Climate protectors gather as frack runs into trouble

Climate protectors gather as frack runs into trouble

January 12th: Green and anti-fracking groups are getting themselves in gear for a renewed Spring of activity over the next few weeks, with Reclaim the Power mobilising for its next round of anti-frack action and anarcho-greens Earth First!

Notes from the US: Racism enshrined in law

Notes from the US: Racism enshrined in law

July 16th: Louis Further rounds up some of the key news from the US, including some nasty rulings coming down from the “pre” reactionary group which sitting before Trump imposes his vision for its future.