Freedom News
‘Anything But A Crisis’ or How To Make A Prison Riot

‘Anything But A Crisis’ or How To Make A Prison Riot

July 11th: As a crisis in our prison system intensifies, Saul Jay assesses the current state of the UK prison system, and how the situation is ripe for an explosion.
Books behind bars

Books behind bars

April 9th: Rob Ray talks to Lee Humphries, founder of prisoner support charity Haven Distribution, which specialises in educational literature

Obituary: Herman Wallace

Obituary: Herman Wallace

October 5th: A tribute to the Angola Three member, who tragically died three days after his release from prison

Attica Prison riot

September 20th: (taken from Freedom, October 2011) It was inevitable that the 10th anniversary of 9-11 would be ubiquitous in September’s media, just as inevitably there would be scant coverage of a different, though still significant, anniversary of a rather different atrocity perpetrated on American soil on almost the same day 30 years earlier – the brutal

‘Rehabilitation revolution’

August 15th: A brave new outsourced world?