Freedom News

Press release from Harmondsworth detainees protest 14/07/2014

July 15th: At 9pm tonight (Monday 14th July 2014) 60 detainees at Harmondsworth mens immigration detention centre began an overnight demonstration, occupying the courtyard.
Small American flag recovered amid World Trade Center debris at the Fresh Kills Landfill. 9-11 exhibit at the East Tennessee History Museum. 2003 Smithsonian photo by Hugh Talman.

Notes from the US: Economics, Violence and Environment

July 15th: Louis Further rounds up the news from the USA you may have missed.    Environment A review published in mid-June by the Associated Press found that the Obama administration does not inspect four out of every ten new high-risk oil and gas wells. It seems that The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been so overwhelmed by

Shut Them Down! Resisting and fighting detention centres

July 11th: Movement for Justice have been holding 'Surround Harmondsworth demonstrations in protest of the inhumane conditions in detention centres.

Small American flag recovered amid World Trade Center debris at the Fresh Kills Landfill. 9-11 exhibit at the East Tennessee History Museum. 2003 Smithsonian photo by Hugh Talman.

Notes from the US: Racism, Politics, Violence and Economy

June 27th: Monthly roundup on the state of the USA by Louis Further

Worldwide May Day protests

May 2nd: The annual tradition of kicking off on 1st May was admirably upheld all over the world yesterday…

freedom mark

“Farage Wave” earns man £250 worth of pints

May 2nd: Go on wave at Farage

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International news in brief

April 30th: CAMBODIA: Protesting garment workers in Cambodia have clashed with police leaving scores injured.

The UK prison “Book Ban”

April 15th: Well, one of the big prison stories in recent months has been the Incentives and Earned Privileges (IEP) “book ban”, that has so outraged the British middle classes and the country’s intelligentsia that it has brought them out on the streets to protest…

Energy price hikes

November 20th: Energy providers have warned that the cost of gas and electricity is expected to sky-rocket

Badger, badger… badger?

November 2nd: Why the cull really is a black and white issue