Freedom News

Notes From America: November

November 20th: Louis Further rounds up news from the USA for the months of October and November.

The Militarisation of Israeli Society

October 28th: In the second blog from Nikki Ray in our series about life under Israeli occupation, Nikki dicusses the many ways in which Israeli society has become militarised, and how this affects both the occupied and the occupiers.

Notes From the US: October/ September

October 19th:   Education No-one ever got taller by being measured.

freedom mark

Who Cares? The Care UK strike, why it matters and what you can do about it.

August 27th: A guest writer for Freedom takes a look at the current Care UK strike and asks the question: why is it important, and what can anarchists do to help?

Notes from the US: July

August 14th: Louis Further rounds up the news from the US you may have missed in the month of July.  Violence Occupy Wall Street activist Cecily McMillan, on whose imprisonment Freedom has reported recently, was freed from Rikers Island jail in New York City in July.

From the Land of Proudhon

August 7th: Thom Holterman brings us the first of a regular series of news and book reviews from the French anarchist movement.    I.

Abortion rights are under attack in Spain, and we must show solidarity with pro-choice struggle.

July 26th: The struggle for safe and legal access to abortion is an ongoing one.

Appeal for Sam Mbah

July 21st: Sam Mbah is an anarchist activist from Nigeria who has, along with his political activism, written African Anarchism

West Mids Antifa Collective On Britain First’s Vist To Coventry

July 20th: After a weekend that saw demonstrations and actions across the country, West Mids Antifa Collective presents a first hand account of the pro-Gaza and anti-Britain First action in Coventry on Friday, and give an insight into the way WMAC operate.

Less Evil is Still Evil: Post-Gove Education and the New Morgan Era

July 15th: Today’s cabinet reshuffle has seen the downfall of despised Education Secretary, Michael Gove.