Freedom News
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#FUCKPARADE – What the fuck is to be done?

September 28th: It’s official.

Notes from the USA: September 2015

September 18th: Spying Documents continue to emerge from Edward Snowden, the former employee of the National Security Agency (NSA).

North America

Notes From the USA: July Roundup

July 18th: Environment -The protests against Shell’s plan to drill in the Arctic continue; the company’s Polar Pioneer drilling rig is moored to the south in Seattle in Washington state.

Demonstration Against Workfare At Finsbury Park Station

June 17th: Activists from Haringey Solidarity Group and Boycott Workfare today held a demonstration against the use of workfare by the Finsbury Park Business Forum.

CNT create an anarchist version of WhatsApp

April 14th: The IT branch of CNT has created an app called “SinGuasa”, the name is a pun using the slang term guasa “joking”, which combined with the negative preposition “sin” (without) sounds similar to the Spanish pronunciation of the famous messaging application WhatsApp.

From The Land Of Proudhon 5

March 25th: Situationist International.

Visualising the West Bank Wall

December 6th: The separation barrier (or the Wall) which surrounds much of the West Bank is one of the most unbelievable things I have ever seen, not for good reason.

Penny Mordaunt vs The FBU

November 30th: On Sunday the boss’ tabloids were all over the same story.

From The Land Of Proudhon – The Battles of the ZADists

November 28th: Thom Holterman writes on the emerging zadist movement and the battles it is waging with the state and capitalism.

Ferguson Legal Defence Fund Smashes Target

November 25th: A CROWD funding campaign to get legal reps for people detained during disturbances in Ferguson, Missouri, USA has more than doubled it’s target, reaching as high as $57,000 mark after a surge of donations.