Freedom News

Aberthaw: Dirty coal plant blockaded

December 13th: Aberthaw coal-fired power station near Barry, South Wales was blockaded today by Reclaim The Power campaigners, who set up tripods on the road leading to the site.

As Syriza ponders an “accommodation” with Golden Dawn, anarchists fight back

December 12th: In the aftermath of recent clashes in Athens, Greece, on the anniversary of the police murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos on December 8th 2008, fascist party Golden Dawn has attempted to get itself back into the news through attacking journalists.

Milan crackdown threatens Torricelli St anarchist squat after 40 years

November 27th: Supporters of Milan’s longest-running squatted social centre remain on high alert after a threatened eviction order slated for November 24th  by the centre-left city administration failed to materialise.

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Tribute to the victims of feminicide

November 26th: On Thursday and Friday night (Nov 24th-25th) the Insomnia collective conducted a series of actions across Paris, France to highlight patriarchal murders.

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Riseup mail service: Don’t Panic!

November 25th: Popular activist mail and email list service Riseup put out a message last night after speculation rose that the US government has been trying to interfere in its services and placed a gagging order forbidding it from warning anyone: There is no need for panic.

Lyon anarchists rally against fascist thugs after bookshop attack

November 24th: Anarchists in Lyon have called a protest against fascist street-thuggery for Saturday November 26th, after an attack by around 20 fascists on La Plume Noir bookshop smashed windows and injured people defending the building.

New guides to a smarter activism

October 31st: Several new guides to help activists be safer, more effective (and just know your stuff) have been released recently, so below is a brief roundup: Squatting (Britain) The Advisory Service for Squatters’ new handbook, brought out over the weekend, which is the first new release since the government made squatting empty residential buildings illegal.

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Arrests and tear gas as South African students protest for fee-free education

October 26th: Organisers with the South African Fees Must Fall student movement are reporting police brutality and dozens of arrests at today’s March to Parliament for Free Decolonized Education – part of a nationwide series of protests under the Fees Must Fall banner calling for the decolonising of education, an end to outsourcing and the scrapping of historic debts.

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#Staygrounded at Heathrow – Reclaim the Power action at Heathrow

October 6th: Hundreds of activists took part in a day of mass action on October 1st 2016 at Heathrow and its surrounds to protest against aviation expansion and to tax frequent flyers to encourage other means of transport that is more environmentally friendly.

Fight the extradition of Lauri Love

September 25th: On the 16th of September 2016 at Westminster Magistrates Court the extradition proceedings of Lauri Love (a computer scientist accused of hacking) were approved with leave to appeal.