Freedom News
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Yarl’s Wood female hunger striker facing deportation tomorrow

February 26th: Funke, a Nigerian woman detained in Yarl’s Wood has joined the hunger strike today to express solidarity with fellow detainees and to protest her personal circumstances.

Syria Solidarity UK stages protest against atrocities inflicted on Eastern Ghouta

February 22nd: Syria Solidarity UK delivered a letter to Boris Johnson at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office In London last night.

Defend Afrin demonstration: Plan C solidarity bloc call-out

February 17th: This is a call-out to join the solidarity bloc organised by Plan C London for the Defend Afrin demonstration this Sunday 18th February in Central London.

Support a trans woman anarchist who is being persecuted by the State and Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists

February 13th: A trans woman anarchist is facing persecution from the British state for defending counter protesters at a transphobic speaking event at speakers corner in Hyde Park.

Lorry surfers out in Lancashire as fracking’s viability comes under fire

February 13th: Green direct action which has slowed development of controversial gas fracking to a crawl at key test sites saw more blockade work yesterday as it emerged that the potential of the industry in Britain to turn a profit is minimal.

Scottish Government Refuses Spycops Inquiry

February 8th: The Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance reports on the Scottish government decision yesterday that it will not probe the political undercover policing scandal.

Dsei protesters found not guilty!

February 7th: In the latest round of court cases related to last year’s anti-arms fair protests a not guilty verdict has been handed to four activists today, including well-known campaigner Chris Cole.

Shard owners threat Ian Bone and Class War with High Court injunction

February 6th: Ian Bone of Class War and ‘persons unknown’  are threatened by the owners of the Shard with a court injunction preventing them from protesting in front of Western Europe’s tallest building.

Lauri Love wins fight against extradition!

February 5th: Today the High Court decided that Lauri Love should not be extradited to the US to face hacking charges, sparking celebrations and applause in the courtroom.

Class War Scotland member on trial for displaying a poster on his window

January 26th: Last year during the national elections campaign, Class War Scotland member David McHarg was arrested twice because of a poster that was displayed on his window.