Freedom News

Gays Against Sharia march draws barely two dozen

April 28th: The rally through Bristol saw Muslim-bashers outnumbered both by anti-fascists and four-to-one by police.

Legal Defence and Monitoring Group Statement on the Hyde Park Case

April 27th: This statement is published on request from Legal Defence and Monitoring Group.

Spycop Inquiry: six more cover names released

April 18th: Yesterday, the public inquiry into undercover policing published the cover names of six more officers from Britain’s political secret police units.

freedom mark

London: Week of protest to abolish all anti – LGBT+ Commonwealth Laws begins

April 14th: A coalition of high-profile UK and global LGBTQI+ rights movements are coalescing this week in a series of protests while The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that is taking place in the UK next week to demand that they put LGBTQIA+ rights at the top of the agenda. CHOGM leaders have previously always refused to

Bookfair dumps academy venue over military massacre links

April 11th: Organisers with the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair have announced they will refuse to hold this year’s event at secondary school the City Academy following revelations that its parent Trust is sponsored by arms-merchant Rolls Royce.

London: stop new opencast coal extraction protest

April 10th: This morning Secretary of State for Communities, Sajid Javid and his colleagues were greeted with a life-size statue depicting the Secretary of State ‘turning a blind eye’ to the imminent expansion of opencast coal mining in the UK.

Obituary: Jack Stevenson

April 3rd: Jack Stevenson passed away on Easter Sunday.

Six people arrested at Stop the Cardiff Arms Fair protest

March 28th: Six people were arrested at a protest outside the ‘Defence Procurement, Research, Technology and Exportability Fair’ (DPRTE) at the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff on Tuesday.

Exclusive: The Met spychief who infiltrated Freedom Press

March 24th: After an investigation tracking his articles through the paper and talking to old comrades, Freedom can today reveal at least some of the story of former spycop Roger Pearce as he used our paper to worm his way into Northern Ireland.

Druridge Bay coal mine rejected — Pont Valley next?

March 23rd: Anti-coal campaigners were celebrating a major victory today as Business Minister Sajid Javid banned opencast mining in Druridge Bay — and are pushing for a similar ban at Pont Valley.