Freedom News

BREAKING: Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants occupy British Airways i360 in Brighton

August 4th: The activists from Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants (LGSMigrants), a queer group that stands in solidarity with other communities facing state violence and media attacks; have occupied British Airways i360 in protest against the airline’s complicity with migrant deportations from the UK.

Reclaim the Power calls for national emergency meeting

July 31st: As the government gives a green light to the first frack in the UK in seven years, an anti-fracking network Reclaim the Power calls for the national emergency meeting to discuss the next steps of resistance to fracking in Lancashire, and how we can all continue to support the locals in protecting their community.

Fascists flop in Cambridge and Glasgow

July 22nd: Anti-fascists were out in Cambridge and Glasgow yesterday to confront far-right groups the FLA and SDL, with the latter getting ludicrously low turnouts.

Glasgow anti-fascists mobilise to see off far-right rally

July 20th: A demonstration has been called by the Scottish Defence League for tomorrow — but anti-fascists won’t be letting them have it all their own way.

Cleaners organised in UVW launch three simultaneous migrant workers strikes across London

July 17th: Cleaners organised in the United Voices of the World (UVW) trade union are walking out over pay and unfair working conditions at three of the wealthiest employers in the UK.

Anti-fascist reports: Confronting the far-right in London

July 15th: Anti-fascist activists from Plan C and Edinburgh Antifa write on yesterday’s clash with Tommy Robinson-supporting neo-nazis.

New Zine: Starting an Anarchist Black Cross

July 9th: The Anarchist Black Cross is an international network of anarchist groups and individuals engaged in practical solidarity with prisoners and broader anti-repression struggles that started over 100 years ago.

Poster crew run #spycop takeover of London ad spaces

July 6th: In their latest adventure occupying advertising real estate across the capital, subvertisers the Special Patrol Group have set giant posters up on bus stops and on the Tube.

London: protest against Trump-inspired law that would endanger sex workers

July 5th: Sex workers yesterday joined with other feminists and human rights activists to voice their opposition to a Trump-inspired ‘anti-trafficking’ law –  in the US  known as SESTA/FOSTA  – ahead of a debate on mirroring them in the UK, which was held in the House of Commons on Wednesday.

Polish Embassy in London support of far right groups

June 30th: CONTENT WARNING: racism The Polish Embassy in London, using funds from Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sponsored at least one event organised by Polish nationalists in the UK.