Freedom News

UPDATE on anti-Tommy Robinson demo Sunday 9th December

December 6th: Here’s the latest on what will be one of the biggest and most important mobilizations against the far-right this year.

Reclaim the Power stand with the Stansted 15

November 30th: Fifteen people are currently standing trial for stopping a deportation flight from London Stansted Airport to Nigeria in March 2017.  The group from End Deportations, Plane Stupid and Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants surrounded the plane and prevented it from taking off.  As a result 11 people remain the UK whilst their cases for

Bristol IWW defends whistle blowers and free speech in Bristol City Council

November 27th: In March 2018 a worker employed in Child Protection for Bristol City Council (BCC) was suspended from his post.

London event invitation: feminists call for attention to rising fascism

November 24th: On 25th November, a coalition of over 1,000 feminists of all genders will come together for a nighttime demonstration to commemorate  the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Event invitation: From London to Ferrara: together in solidarity against police brutality

November 21st: This September, we witnessed the Supreme Court reject Mark Duggan’s family’s request to appeal the 2014 ruling that stated that his murder by the police was a lawful killing.

Oxford: students mobilise to oppose Steve Bannon talk

November 15th: Following the news that former Chief Strategist to President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, is to speak at the Oxford Union on Friday 16th November, students are mobilising to oppose the meeting with the white supremacist celebrity.

Squatters digest- low tide: next comes the flood

November 14th: Welcome to the Squatter’s Digest, a new column for Freedom News, highlighting the ongoings of the squat scene in London and beyond, along with providing opinions on the politics of said goings-on.

London: callout for solidarity with Russian Anti-Fascists

November 1st: We are an ad-hoc collective of anti-fascists in London who want to organise a solidarity event to support anti-fascists in Russia on 19th January.

Durham community group to prosecute coal company over habitat destruction

October 30th: Campaign to Protect Pont Valley has launched a private prosecution against Banks Group for destroying the breeding and resting places of protected Great Crested Newts at Brooms Pond, on Bradley opencast coal site.

Bristol: around 100 people block road in solidarity with deportation victim

October 26th: Around 100 people blocked a street in Bristol’s Easton neighbourhood trying to stop UK Border Agency deportation attempt last night.