Freedom News

Climate protectors gather as frack runs into trouble

January 12th: Green and anti-fracking groups are getting themselves in gear for a renewed Spring of activity over the next few weeks, with Reclaim the Power mobilising for its next round of anti-frack action and anarcho-greens Earth First!

Manchester union picket attacked by fascists

January 6th: Far-right thugs imitating the French yellow-vest movement launched a racist attack on an RMT picket yesterday, reports the Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network: Striking transport workers were attacked on their picket line at Manchester Victoria by a bunch of yellow vest fascists.

Activist legal update: Notorious ‘Common Assault’ penalty doubled

January 6th: From November 19th 2018 an new offence of “Assaulting an Emergency Worker” has been created, which doubles the maximum penalty for Common Assault (Section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988).

Gallery: New Year celebrations at HMP Pentonville

January 1st: Among the London anarchist events that see out the year are annual noise demos at HMP Brixton and HMP Pentonville, where pots are rattled, whizzers whizzed and bottle rockets set off as people walk around the jail reminding prisoners that they’re not forgotten.

Squatter’s Digest: That’s a wrap

December 15th: Welcome to the second, and final edition of Squatters Digest (for 2018).

Syndikat: The local pub taking on a corporate giant

December 14th: Workers at a radical Berlin bar are heading to London on December 18th to confront Pears Global, part of a shadowy property giant which has been hiking rents in Neukölln.  One of Berlin’s 12 major boroughs and historically one of the city’s most multicultural areas, Neukölln has been on Germany’s gentrification frontline for the last ten

Brighton and London rally for Stansted 15

December 13th: Following on from a rally outside the Home Office on Tuesday which drew thousands of people, hundreds more took to the streets of Brighton last night to show their support for the Stansted 15.

Russian antifascists under attack: urgent fundraiser launched

December 12th: Russian anti-fascists are struggling against a brutal wave of repression which has featured kidnappings, savage beatings, torture and fabricated court cases.  Up to date, eleven antifascists are facing lengthy jail sentences.

Stansted 15 defendants found guilty of terror charges

December 10th: The nature of the charges could lead to lengthy sentences.

London event invitation: ORDER by Spanish anarchist collective Democracia

December 10th: On 11th December, artistic collective Democracia will be in London to screen and  discuss their most recent project ORDER.