Freedom News

London: activists take action against former Italian Minister of Interior

March 13th: On the 12th March 2019 students, activists and academics have taken action against the visit of the former Italian Minister of Interior, Marco Minniti, the architect of Italy’s policy to externalisation of the EU border to Libya and the sealing of the Mediterranean route.

Green Anti-Capitalist Front Manifesto & Open Letter to Extinction Rebellion

March 11th: The Green Anti-Capitalist Front is an alliance of groups and individuals united by a belief that capitalism is one of the core causes of the environmental crisis threatening us all, and that if we do not act soon the costs of that crisis will fall on the poor and powerless.

Women’s Strike: 50 activists occupy Ministry of Justice to protest against transphobic measures to segregate incarcerated trans women

March 8th: As part of international protests connected to the Women’s Strike, a group of 50 trans activists and their allies have occupied the Ministry of Justice on International Women’s Day to express grave concern about government plans to move trans women to men’s prison estates and to open segregated wings for trans women at HMP Downview.

Protests take on mega-prisons construction giant Kier

February 27th: The rally yesterday afternoon in central London was drawing attention to private companies which are profiting from increased rates of policing and incarceration – part of the Americanisation of the British prisons sector.

Unions hit targets across London in co-ordinated strikes

February 26th: Hundreds of mostly migrant workers were involved in the actions, which saw The IWGB and UVW unions lead walkouts and rallies alongside RMT and PCS.

Fuck Valentine’s Day – Prison Noise Demo

February 22nd: In this photo report London ABC records this year’s rally at HMP Bronzefield in Surrey.

Protest as arms firm EDO prepares first expansion in 15 years

February 19th: The EDO MBM factory in Brighton has produced weapons parts for countries including Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey and the US, enabling human rights abuses in violation of international law.

Urgent support call-out as Grow Heathrow eviction looms

February 18th: The squatted site, which was founded to oppose the nearby airport’s destructive expansion project, is facing a bailiff assault either tomorrow or on Wednesday.

Anti-fracking next up in new wave of climate action

February 15th: Following on from today’s school walkouts, next weekend will see the start of this year’s spring offensive against the unpopular gas extraction method, with Bristol being the latest to confirm an action.

No jail for Stansted 15!

February 6th: Sentences have been confirmed for the activists who halted a major deportation flight out of Stansted.