Freedom News

Forge Farm Meats abattoir blockaded by anonymous activists

August 27th: In the early hours of today, a number of activists accessed the slaughterhouse buildings owned by Forge Farm Meats in Tunbridge Wells.

Solidarity with Exarcheia!: a statement by Anarchist Federation

August 27th: On Sunday the 26th of August, the Greek police launched a large operation in Exarcheia, the famous rebel district in the centre of Athens.

Anti-prison expansion activists halt construction of HMP Wellingborough for second consecutive Friday

August 16th: Protesters attached themselves to PVC pipes and blockaded the entrances to the construction site of the new HMP Wellingborough mega-prison, bringing construction works conducted by Kier Group to a halt for the second consecutive Friday.

Protesters occupy HMP Wellingborough construction site

August 10th: Protesters occupied the construction site of HMP Wellingborough for 6 hours on Friday, successfully halting its work.

Police accused of dangerous actions in anti-gas activist arrest

August 2nd: Officers tackled a protector at West Newton, near Hull, allegedly knocking him unconscious — and then dragged him away without offering medical attention, supporters said.

St Mungo’s staff ballot to strike – and reject sellout to Home Office

August 1st: Workers at homelessness charity St Mungo’s have had enough of being made to hand over data to the Home Office, demanding that the practice be stopped as part of a strike ballot.

Lock-ons and crane occupations as hundreds confront gas power

July 31st: More than 600 people attending Reclaim The Power’s summer festival of resistance just outside Harlow, along with many more around the country, have been taking action over the last few days to directly shut down polluting firms.

Protesters target Kier due to profit from the construction of new mega-prisons across the UK

July 29th: Last Friday afternoon, protestors occupied the lobby of Kier; the company contracted to build a new mega-prison in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire Prison abolitionist protest group, Community Action on Prison Expansion (CAPE), is turning attention to the private companies set to profit from increased rates of incarceration amidst the biggest prison expansion project in generations.

fck govt fuck boris demo: account #2

July 28th: Following an account on Fck Boris Fck Government demo published by Freedom News on Friday, we have received a few more.

Statement to announce London Bookfair 2020

July 28th: We’re excited to announce that an Anarchist bookfair will be returning to London in October 2020.