Freedom News

Chester’s homeless have had enough!

October 5th: 726 people died on the UK’s streets last year.

Merseyside: Royal Mail workers walk out in solidarity with racially abused colleague

October 3rd: Postal workers in Merseyside walked out on a wildcat strike on Wednesday after a manager allegedly made a racist comment to a Muslim employee.

London: anarchists to hold protest in solidarity with Iranian political prisoners Soheil Arabi and Haj Jaffar Kashani

September 30th: On Wednesday 2nd October, anarchists will hold protest in solidarity with Iranian political prisoners Soheil Arabi and Haj Jaffar Kashani.

Say No To Transphobia Brighton! A report on protest against WPUK

September 26th: On Monday 23rd September 2019 the transphobic hate group WPUK (“Woman’s” Place UK) returned to Brighton to attempt to host another meeting under the cover of being a fringe event for the Labour Party Conference.

Between estrogenes, glitter nails and toxic masculinity: TAA returns to London

September 21st: Starting on Thursday 26th September, the Temporary Autonomous Art (TAA) will return to a secret London location.

A street view of DSEI 2019

September 15th: Tanya Jiang writes on the what happened at the front line of this year’s clash between weapon-mongers trying to flog their murderous devices to State killers, and the hundreds of people who put their bodies on the line to stop it from happening.

Anarchist Festival announces its 2020 dates

September 12th: Anarchist Festival, a decentralised event happening across Britain and Ireland since 2018, has announced its 2020 dates.

Far-right threatens Irish unity rally in Glasgow

September 7th: Anti-fascists have mobilised today amid loyalist chatter threatening International Brigades and Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association marches in Govan.

Green and Black Cross is back!

August 29th: In May 2019, the Green and Black Cross took a break from their much-needed activities, largely due to work overload.

Forge Farm Meats abattoir blockaded by anonymous activists

August 27th: In the early hours of today, a number of activists accessed the slaughterhouse buildings owned by Forge Farm Meats in Tunbridge Wells.