Freedom News

Preston New Road anti-fracking protectors evicted in dawn bailiff attack

November 19th: In the early hours of this morning New Hope protectors camp near Preston New Road, Lancashire was swarmed by bailiffs and police in a coordinated raid reportedly named ‘Operation Blackpool’.

London: Kier AGM disrupted by anti-prison expansion protestors

November 16th: Protestors against prison expansion have disrupted the Kier AGM, hanging banners, chanting and releasing alarms attached to helium balloons.

Fighting for £15: A McStrike Day Report

November 13th: Workers at six McDonald’s restaurants in South London walked out yesterday to demand £15 an hour for workers of all ages, as well as guaranteed hours and official recognition of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union (BFAWU).

Spook your bosses: A Halloween report from the cleaners’ picket line

November 2nd: One day, five strikes and seven pickets — our man on the ground reports cleaners have been frightening the great and the good with demands for better pay and conditions.

Bookfair 2020 secures venue and announces dates

November 1st: The Bookfair 2020 organising collective announced yesterday that they have secured a venue and set a date for the next year’s event.

Reading: closed down pub re-opens as Kobanî House social space

October 31st: The closed Red Lion pub in Reading was reopened and renamed ‘Kobanî House’ in solidarity with Rojava.

Tomorrow: evening antifascist rally in London

October 30th: The openly racist and divisive rhetoric of Boris Johnson has emboldened the far right.

Bring Anna Home: Father of Anna Campbell to take legal action to retrieve her body

October 26th: The father of slain British YPJ combatant, Anna Campbell, is preparing to take legal action against the Turkish state in order to ensure the safe return of his daughter’s body.

Not lovin’ it: McDonald’s workers to walk out of 6 South London stores

October 25th: The Bakers Food and Allied Workers’ Union (BFAWU) has today notified 6 London McDonald’s stores that its members will go on strike on 12 November as part of an international day of action for fast-food workers’ rights.

Immigration Enforcement vans stopped in Portishead

October 24th: Activists from the environmental and social justice group Reclaim the Power are occupying the roofs of Immigration Enforcement vehicles and stopping them from leaving the Home Office building in Portishead.