Freedom News

Top London mayoral candidates cut liberty for expediency as they back Met facial recognition plans

January 26th: Despite a deeply mixed public reaction to the idea of the Metropolitan Police introducing intrusive surveillance technology city-wide Labour, the Tories and media darling Rory Stewart have all jumped on the chance to look tough on crime at the expense of civil freedoms.

Spycops inquiry: Real name of ‘Bobby’ Lewis to be revealed

January 23rd: After more than six months of legal wrangling at the Undercover Policing Inquiry, chairman Roger Mitting has agreed to release the real name of officer Anthony ‘Bobby’ Lewis to the women he abused while working as a spycop infiltrating the Stephen Lawrence campaign.

Court upholds ‘enshrined freedom’ of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller right to roam

January 21st: In a rare moment of legal good fortune, the Court of Appeal today ruled that Gypsies, Roma and Travellers have an “enshrined freedom” to move from one place to another, and that an injunction to prevent camping on public land would breach the rights of the communities it targeted.

Met police threaten to arrest entire UVW strike picket (again!)

January 14th: For the second day in a row, officers from the Met threatened to arrest all those participating in a United Voices of the World (UVW) strike picket outside St.

Bookfair 2020 calls for artist contributions

January 8th: Since the announcement of the return of an anarchist bookfair to London, the Bookfair2020 collective has been busy preparing for the event to be held in October 2020.

Breaking: HS2 attempt to evict Uxbridge protest camp

January 7th: Stop HS2 campaigners in Uxbridge had a rude awakening this morning, when High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs), supported by local police, began the process of evicting them from their camp on Harvil Road near Harefield.

Scotland XR occupies Shell gas rig, temporarily shutting down offshore project

January 6th: Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists have occupied a massive gas rig leased to Shell and currently parked in Princess Alexandra Wharf , Dundee Habour, which had been destined for the North Sea.

Anti-Tory raves are back: Spontaneous Liverpool party

January 6th: Just days into 2020 and Liverpudlians were out with defiance and dancing at an all-dayer in the city centre.

Don’t despair, organise!: an introduction to Cooperation Kentish Town

January 3rd: By 21 December, a week after a disastrous election for the left and a few days into the subsequent soul searching, everyone was suddenly talking about how what’s needed now is community building.

Projects and events for radicals this January

January 1st: As we enter the New Year and days start to get longer again it’s time to get ourselves off the sofa and start Getting Involved.