Freedom News

“We are invisible”: The experiences of women in the criminal justice system

July 16th: The Black Lives Matter campaign in the USA and UK has brought the abominable treatment of black men in the criminal justice system into focus.

ACG launches “No Safety, No Work” campaign

July 11th: The Anarchist Communist Group has launched a new campaign called “No Safety, No Work,” calling on workers to unite in the face of unsafe working practices and the coming austerity.

Greece: dictatorship-era anti-protest law triggers large demonstrations

July 10th: Thousands of people protested in Greece yesterday in response to the new law giving the police new powers to regulate protests.

Call for International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners 2020

July 9th: A number of Anarchist Black Cross groups have called for a week of action and support for anarchist prisoners worldwide, starting on Monday.

IWGB fights discriminatory minicab congestion charge at Court of Appeal

June 30th: The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is taking a legal battle against Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s decision to introduce a congestion charge on minicab drivers to the Court of Appeal, on the grounds that it discriminates against the sector’s overwhelmingly BAME workforce.

Iran: three protesters sentenced to death

June 26th: Three young people were sentenced to death by Teheran’s “Revolutionary Court”.

Bristol: city council seeks prosecution of slave trader’s statue-topplers

June 22nd: The Bristol City Council have formally reported the toppling of the slave trader Edward Colston’s statue as criminal damage, triggering a police investigation into the matter.

BREAKING Russia: anarchist defendants in “Network” case sentenced to prison

June 22nd: A  military court in St.

Kent Police pay compensation after questioning anarchists under anti-terror laws

June 15th: The Chief Constable of Kent Police has this year paid a cash settlement to an anarchist writer and organiser who they had stopped and interrogated under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act.

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

June 13th: Over twenty asylum-seeking individuals forcibly moved by the Mears group into cramped hotel accommodation in Glasgow have been refusing to eat the mouldy, undercooked and culturally inappropriate food that Mears provides and are calling for action to protest the Mears group’s abysmal, dehumanising treatment of people they receive public money to provide safe accommodation for.