Freedom News

Belarusian ABC calls for solidarity actions with the uprising against the Lukashenko regime

August 13th: After the presidential elections held in Belarus on 9th August, protests and clashes with the security forces continue in the country.

Obituary: Lucio Urtubia Jiménez

August 11th: Lucio Urtubia Jiménez Basque anarchist & bricklayer.

IWGB wins worker status and rights for ‘gig economy’ CitySprint couriers once and for all

August 5th: The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) has claimed victory over CitySprint, having dragged the company back to an employment tribunal for a third time to establish worker status and basic employment rights for five of its members who work for the company.

Anarchists in England and Wales launch Autonomy News website

August 1st: This week anarchists based in England and Wales launched a new website, Autonomy News.

Ministry of Justice’s outsourced workers win vote for trade union recognition

July 30th: Cleaners, security guards and porters at the Ministry of Justice celebrated victory today after they voted 70% in favour of trade union recognition which give them a guaranteed right to negotiate.

Queer without fear: repression fund in solidarity with LGBTQ+ people in Poland

July 30th: As some of you may have heard, there were presidential elections in Poland on 12th July.

Minicab drivers to block Tower Bridge to protest “tax on the poor” congestion charge

July 28th: Minicab drivers are expected to block London Tower Bridge with their cars in protest against an increase in the congestion charge to £15 per day from 16 June 2020.

HS2 Update: Resisting the tree thugs

July 27th: With the exemption of construction from Covid safety measures throughout the early part of the crisis, environment protectors were forced to stay out and physically protect green spaces along the length of the planned high speed railway route.

“We’re going home!” Clapton CFC becomes owners of the historic Old Spotted Dog ground

July 24th: Clapton Football Club Limited, the community benefit society behind Clapton Community Football Club, today became the proud new owners of the Old Spotted Dog ground.

Russia: two activists sentenced for protest against the new law erasing trans people

July 21st: Two Russian activists, Polina Simonenko and Mila Zemtsova were sentenced by the Tverskoy District Court in Moscow yesterday for attending a picket protesting a new draft law erasing the, already limited, rights of trans people in Russia.