Freedom News

Outsourced University of Greenwich workers vote to strike for equality

December 23rd: The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) Universities of London Branch voted for industrial action at the University of Greenwich today.

London Anarchist Black Cross launches online prisoner letter writing service

December 16th: London Anarchist Black Cross has launched a virtual prisoner letter writing service.

Deliveroo and Uber riders in Sheffield strike for a living wage and due process

November 25th: Members of the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) Couriers & Logistics Branch in Sheffield are going on strike today against app-based ‘gig economy’ corporations  including Deliveroo, Uber and Stuart.

“No case to answer” in Haringey Anti-Raids trial

November 20th: Earlier this morning, Highbury Magistrates threw out a case against two Haringey locals charged with obstructing immigration enforcement officers.

BREAKING: Bristol uni threatens to withhold bursary payments from rent strikers

November 19th: The management of the University of Bristol is attempting to break the student rent strike by witholding vital bursary payments from some of the most disadvantaged strikers.

Poland: Anarchists successfully stop allotment gardens eviction

November 18th: Anarchists from Rozbrat squat in Poznań, together with other groups, have successfully stopped the eviction of neighbouring allotment gardens “ROD Bogdanka”.

Greece: state suppresses demonstrations in memory of 1973 Polytechnic Uprising

November 17th: This year the anniversary of the 1973 uprising at the Polytechnic University in Athens, which the junta of the colonels drowned in blood by sending tanks to suppress it, is more topical than ever before.

Harvil 13 refuse to pay HS2

November 14th: Thirteen Activists, all named as defendants by HS2 Ltd.

Shunning Treesponsibility: South Yorkshire still a dangerous place… if you’re a tree!

November 12th: Learning absolutely nothing from the 8-year-long Sheffield Tree Felling Protests, South Yorkshire’s Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council (DMBC) have been busy implementing their own legally dubious plan to fell 64 healthy lime trees on Middlefield Road in the Doncaster suburb of Bessacarr.

Bristol: Picton Lane site resists eviction

November 11th: Last week Freedom reported that the Picton Lane site in Bristol was facing eviction after having been given a notice to leave.