Freedom News

Sweden: Activists and locals take action against limestone mining

August 31st: Right now in Sweden, activists are fighting to stop the state from throwing open the doors to corporate impunity.

Backing the briefs

August 30th: So the first all out strike of the fuel/ inflation crisis is The Barristers!

Palestine Action scale trees & occupy the ground beneath to uproot Israel’s arms factory in Shenstone

August 28th: Yesterday morning, Palestine Actionists set up a ground camp and scaled the adjacent trees, erecting unreachable hammocks overlooking UAV Engines Ltd — the Israeli drones factory that has rightly been a prime target for extensive action as part of the #ShutElbitDown campaign.  Activists have confirmed they plan to hold their positions, and will not leave

Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2022

August 23rd: Below, Freedom reproduce invitation to join International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners, which is organized every year between 23-30 August.

Private hire drivers oppose discriminatory English language test policy from Transport for London

August 19th: Private hire drivers from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) are condemning the Transport for London (TfL) policy that requires workers to pass two English language tests to be allowed to work in London.

Palestine Action forces Elbit landlord to abandon Birmingham offices

August 18th: Inside sources, as well as activists monitoring the site, have confirmed to Palestine Action that real estate giant Fisher German, an accomplice in Elbit war crimes, have been forced to abandon their Harborne office ‘Vine Property Management‘.

Immigration raids blocked in Leeds and Manchester

August 14th: In the year and a bit since the iconic resistance that stopped an immigration raid in Glasgow’s Kenmure Street, mass resistance to raids seems to have spread, with Edinburgh, Dalston and Peckham being three recent examples.

UK: Coordinated wildcat action hits oil refineries and power stations

August 11th: As anger at the cost of living crisis heats up, strike action, including unofficial wildcat walkouts, is becoming an increasingly popular response.

This Is Not A Drill: activists target fossil fuels research facilities in Cambridge

August 9th: Activists operating under the banner of “This Is Not A Drill” have begun a direct action campaign against Cambridge-based research facilities with lucrative connections to the fossil fuel industry.

Five arrested after disrupting British production of Israeli weapons

August 5th: Palestine Action activists have once again turned to Israeli weapons company Elbit Systems’ (Israel’s largest arms company) UAV Engines LTD., an important component in the company’s British operations and manufacture of military UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).