Freedom News

Legal aid campaign launches for weapons factory sabotage

September 21st: In February 2022, Amber and Palestine Action shut down a weapons factory linked to war crimes in Israel.

NBTA wins energy support scheme for itinerant boaters

September 12th: NBTA wins fight over energy support scheme for some itinerant boaters

Nine campaigners arrested at London arms fair

September 9th: Deliveries to DSEI were brought to a standstill on Thursday morning when peace campaigners blocked the road.

Activists spared jail for attempt to shut down arms factory

September 7th: The Judge refused to allow any justification defences for the activists' actions.

RSA staff vote overwhelmingly for their first strike action

September 6th: Staff members at the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), represented by the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB), have voted to go on strike for the first time in the charity’s 270 year history. 

Israeli arms firm jobs delisted after recruiters targeted

September 5th: iO Associates, the only recruitment company for Elbit Systems UK, removed all the 22 jobs it was recruiting for Elbit from its online platforms.

Police will be monitored at protests against DSEI arms fair

September 4th: Campaigners have suffered from excessive and violent policing at previous DSEIs

Activists storm Elbit’s recruiters’ office

September 3rd: Activists stormed iO Associates' new offices in Manchester City Centre to demand the company stop recruiting for Elbit Systems UK.

Judge acquits activists who shut Elbit down

August 31st: The two were acquitted as the Judge found their action was proportionate compared to the crimes against humanity they were acting to stop.

Palestine Action Underground targets weapons suppliers

August 30th: Palestine Action Underground have vowed to continue their actions until targeted companies publicly announce they're no longer associated with Elbit Systems.