Freedom News

Boaters take license fee protest to CRT head office

November 28th: NBTA believes the proposed surcharge and rationale are insincere political manoeuvres designed to segregate and marginalise travelling boaters, with no serious concern for canal management finances.

Elbit’s drone factory landlords targeted

November 27th: The offices' windows have been smashed, and the building covered in blood-red paint, as activists have prevented access to the premises at 55 Colmore Row, Birmingham.

Lockheed Martin factory under siege

November 24th: Palestine Action has this morning taken down the Bedford premises of the world's largest weapons company, Lockheed Martin.

Palestine Actionist occupies Israeli war machine’s landlord

November 22nd: Today a Palestine Action activist has occupied the roof above the entrance to Fisher German's Manchester offices:

Sheffield stands with Palestine – Wave protest statement

November 21st: For as long as the University is guilty of genocide, we will call it out and refuse to be complicit!

Palestine Action blockades Leicester’s drone factory

November 20th: British complicity in the genocide of Gaza will continue to be confronted by Palestine Action until all links have been broken.

Autonomous Cafe And Bookshop evicted and reopens today

November 20th: The new Autonomous Cafe And Bookshop opens at noon today at 80-88 Croydon High Street.

Palestine Action hit Leonardo in Southampton

November 17th: Palestine Action occupied the rooftop, shutting down production at the site.

Autonomous Cafe and Bookshop at risk of eviction

November 15th: UPDATE: Bailiffs there now 10.15 am 16th.

Palestine Action occupy Leonardo Edinburgh

November 13th: The Scotland factory of Leonardo UK, responsible for manufacturing the laser targeting systems of Israel's fighter jets, has been shut down today