Freedom News

Mexico: teachers strike against education reform

April 13th: The CNTE teachers’ union called a 48-hour strike in southeastern Mexico, paralyzing traffic for hours in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca.

Canada: police crackdown on Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair organisers

April 9th: On early hours of last Friday, Hamilton police raided a house associated with some of the people involved in organizing The Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair.  In a statement released by Hamilton anarchists, they report: The door was kicked in, a flash grenade was thrown into the house, and a full swat team entered.

Amsterdam: asylum seekers squat 12 buildings

April 4th: Last weekend a group of asylum seekers squatted 11 homes and a shop on Rudolf Dieselstraat in Amsterdam Oost.

Barcelona squatted youth centre burned down in fascist attack

April 3rd: A squatted youth centre Ateneu Popular de Sarrià in Barcelona was burned ‘beyond repair’ in a fascist attack at early hours last Thursday. Five fire brigade teams were dispatched at around  4am, and the fire was  effectively extinguished by 8am.

Several tortured anarchists flee Russia

March 20th: While international media and liberal politicians delight in the spectacle of the Russian presidential election, Russian and Belarusian anarchists and antifascist continue to struggle with massive repressions by the intelligence service, the police and the judiciary.

Almost 3000 people murdered by Franco’s fascists in Madrid finally named

March 19th: Several historians managed to put together a list of 2,964 people murdered at cemetery of Almudena in Madrid during the first years of the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.

Bonn: former Iranian embassy squatted and evicted

March 18th: The former Iranian embassy in Bonn was recently squatted in solidarity with political activism, feminist struggles and prisoner rights in Iran.

Small American flag recovered amid World Trade Center debris at the Fresh Kills Landfill. 9-11 exhibit at the East Tennessee History Museum. 2003 Smithsonian photo by Hugh Talman.

Notes from the USA

March 14th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Germany: Antifa stops AfD march

March 13th: AfD march in Rostock had to be cancelled mid way due to blockades on its route and security concerns.

Greece: police raid three anarchist squats in Athens

March 12th: At early hours of Monday, a coordinated police operation to clear out three anarchist squats in central Athens has resulted in arrests and evictions of the properties.