Freedom News

Russia: jailed Ukranian filmmaker enters 100th day of hunger strike

August 22nd: Oleg Sentsov, Ukrainian filmmaker and critic of the Kremlin government who is incarnated in Russia, entered 100th day of hunger strike yesterday.

Poland: Police break antifascist blockade, allow neo-fascists to march

August 16th: Remember this Polish neo-nazi group National Radical Camp, or ONR, who recently organised beach patrols in Italy in order to “protect women from migrants“?

USA: alleged ELF and ALF fugitive, Joseph Dibee, arrested After 12 Years

August 14th: Joseph Mahmoud Dibee, an alleged member of the Earth Liberation Front group “The Family,” has been arrested in Cuba and is now being held in Oregon.

freedom mark

Brasil: 23 people sentenced to prison for World Cup 2014 protests

August 13th: The Criminal Court of Rio de Janeiro sentenced 23 people to imprisonment for partaking in protests against FIFA World Cup.

Indonesia: local activists sentenced to prison

August 10th: The 7 prisoners from Sukorharjo in Central Java province charged for involvement in the riots outside the PT.

USA: 18 year old Occupy ICE activist faces deportation

August 7th: Last Friday, ICE detained a local activist from Occupy ICE San Antonio in retaliation for his political work.

Amnesty International: Turkish-backed rebels violating human rights in Afrin

August 5th: Turkish-backed Syrian rebel groups are committing serious human rights violations against civilians in the Kurdish canton of Afrin, Amnesty International revealed last week.

Refugee crisis: pushbacks from Slovenia

August 3rd: In their recently published reports, Slovenian organizations Amnesty International Slovenia and Legal Information Center for NGOs , confirm that since June 2018 refugees entering Slovenia are being systematically pushed back to Croatia and from there to Bosnia.

An invitation to European antifascist gathering in Greece

August 1st: On Tuesday the 18th of September, it will be the 5 year anniversary of the murder of Pavlos “ Killah P” Fyssas, a greek rapper who was killed in his neighborhood, Keratsini, by the neo nazis, members of Golden Dawn.

Texas: San Antonio Occupy ICE camp attacked by nazis

July 29th: Yesterday morning the activists camping outside of ICE facilities in San Antonio, Texas, were attacked by neo-nazis from Patriot Front group.